Dear Senator,

Thank you for your service in the Minnesota Legislature. As your constituent, I am writing with deep concern about HF 1/SF 1, the PRO Act, which seems a direct affront to commonsense protections for women and for the well-being of children in the womb. I am asking for you to vote NO on this legislation.

I am taking the time to write because I believe this bill is deeply dangerous to all Minnesotans. I'd like to outline a couple reasons why.

The Protect Reproductive Options Act would make Minnesota an outlier in the world with NO LEGAL PROTECTION for the rights of unborn children:

  • The bill codifies the right to abortion through all 9 months of pregnancy, with NO LIMITS or restrictions based on the child’s development in the womb.

    • The bill does not delineate between children and adults – minor girls will have the right to abortion without parental or guardian consent.

  • Few nations allow for such unrestricted access to abortion – North Korea, China, Vietnam, and Canada are the only countries which allow unrestricted access to abortion.

  • In codifying access to abortion throughout pregnancy, this bill also offers no regulation on health and safety standards of abortion facilities and abortion drug dissemination to pregnant women.

    • Health and safety standards exist for nearly every other surgery and drug. This bill orders no health and safety standards for abortion in Minnesota.

    • This bill would allow the abortion industry to profit from pregnant women without any protection for the health of mothers.

  • Far from a simple codification of reproductive rights for women, this bill allows the abortion industry to profit from pregnant women, both children and adults, without regulations and without regard for patient health.

  • Beyond its codification of complete abortion access, this bill’s broad language states that children and adults have the fundamental right to access other reproductive services, including sterilization and contraception.

  • Finally, the bill outlaws any local government regulations on these “reproductive care” services which would restrict the access outlined in the bill.

In view of these established facts, I'm asking you to vote NO on HF 1/SF 1. A NO vote on the PRO Act is actually a vote for the protection of women and children, and I respectfully ask you to vote NO on this bill. I know many of my fellow constituents feel the same way. Minnesota Family Council will keep me informed of your vote and I will take it into account in the next election.

Respectfully signed,