Church Ambassador Network
The Basics
Minnesota Church Ambassador Network is inspired by 1 Timothy 2:1-4. We bring faithful pastors from around the state to meet with legislators (regardless of party or policy) and open God’s Word and pray for them. Our goal is to have a constant presence of pastors in St. Paul every day of the legislative session. We believe the Lord will soften the hearts of many legislators to the gospel as we care for their hearts and souls. Join Church Ambassador Network staff and other pastors engaging in this crucial work to honor our legislators. Come once, monthly or as often as weekly and receive the encouragement and refreshment of this gospel work and the fellowship of brothers in arms!
The schedule
Currently, we focus our ministry on the legislative session. Session convenes at the Capitol in St. Paul on the first Tuesday after the second Monday in January of each odd-numbered year. In even-numbered years, the Legislature meets on a date agreed on by both bodies. The Legislature sits for no more than 120 days in any year, and may not meet for regular session after the first Monday following the third Saturday in May. In practice, this means that the regular legislative session always begins in January or early February and adjourns in May. Reach out to schedule your time to fill our Capitol with the Lord’s teaching.
Request more information
If you’re a pastor or ministry leader who would like to pray with and for your legislators, get connected and request more info below!