For Pastors
Faithful pastoral ministry is full of delights and demands. At Minnesota Family Council, we know that pastors can feel spread thin with many important things vying for their time each week.
Thank you for ministering amid these demands. Your selfless work for Christ, week in and week out, has eternal glory. May the Lord abundantly bless you!
We are uniquely situated to offer further encouragement and help to you. We do this by providing opportunities to further your ministry, keeping in mind the demands of your pastoral vocation.
Because we believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, we know that healthy cultural change comes only through that gospel. As pastors and churches proclaim the gospel with words and lives impacted by the grace of God, God will change hearts across our communities and state. As more and more lives are changed by the gospel, our culture will change in healthy, righteous ways.
Our hope for changed hearts does not lie with the votes of the legislature or stroke of the governor's pen. While Minnesota Family Council does some of its work in the "political realm", we have no interest in pretending that politics, politicians, or public opinion is capable of saving sinful humanity. Our goal is to point everyone, from legislators to church members, to the One who is, and was, and ever more shall be.
We accomplish this by providing the following opportunities to further your ministry:
Connections with likeminded evangelical pastors, churches, and ministries throughout Minnesota serve to remind you that you’re not alone. These connections contribute to a more unified Christian public testimony.
Relationships with your elected officials (regardless of their political affiliation) enable you to know where they stand on key issues, to meet and pray with them, to thank them when they do well, and to encourage them to be servants of the God who ordained them to leadership.
Timely information about developing cultural, political, and social issues will help you to think through these issues carefully and address them Scripturally for your congregation.
Resources and ideas that will strengthen your ministry to the diverse families and communities you serve.
Access to the very best legal resources will help you protect the ministry of your church in an increasingly litigious society. Our lawyers will prepare you to push over the idols of a culture that is intolerant of religious dissent from their self-made gods.
Counter-culture initiatives will help you rebuild a godly culture of marriage, sexuality, family, and life in your church to stand in contrast to the world.
A vibrant understanding of Christian citizenship will move you beyond being simply "American" and make us ultimately "Biblical" and honoring to Jesus Christ above all.
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