Pulpits & Politics
In this video series, pastors from across Minnesota speak with Rep. Jim Nash (R-Waconia) about how Christians should get involved in politics.
Why should Christians get involved in the political process?
Pastor Joost Nixon asks Rep. Nash why Christians should get involved in the political process, and especially in local politics, which we tend to ignore.
2. Are we too far gone? Is there hope in the political sphere?
Pastor Rory Martin talks with Rep. Nash about whether there is hope to be found in the political sphere, and what difference faith in Christ makes to those serving in elected office.
3. What should Christians do besides just voting?
Pastor Ben Bolin and Rep. Nash speak about what Christians should do in the political sphere besides just voting, and how Christians can live out citizenship worthy of the gospel of Christ (Phil. 1:27) in the political arena.
4. Should Christians seek to serve in elected office?
Pastor Judson Marvel asks Rep. Nash how he came to serve in elected office, and what pastors and lay leaders should do to encourage Christians to humbly and prayerfully seek out elected office.
5. What are common misconceptions about politics and politicians?
Pastor Joe Rigney and Rep. Nash speak about common misconceptions people have about politics and politicians, and how God is at work in St. Paul.
6. How is politics a calling for Christians?
Pastor Jason Wredberg asks Rep. Nash whether politics is simply a job, or a spiritual calling for Christians.
7. What is the cost of being a Christian politician?
Pastor Dale Stinson speaks with Rep. Nash about the costs of being a Christian politician, and how we can pray for our elected leaders.