Dear legislator,

Thank you for your service in the Minnesota legislature. As your constituent, I’m writing to ask that you oppose HF16/SF23, the Counseling Ban or so-called “Conversion Therapy” ban.

Under the guise of "protection," this bill violates the free speech rights of both clients seeking help on sexual attraction/gender identity and their counselors, as well as various ministries and others who seek to provide care.

Here’s a couple more reasons why I believe you should oppose HF16/SF23:

  • Politicians have no business telling people that their personal counseling goals are illegal.

  • If this bill passes, kids who want to transition will receive counseling. Kids who want counseling to live consistently with their biology will be denied counseling.

  • People should have the freedom to pursue the counseling they want. This bill threatens that.

  • The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that "professional speech" does not deserve any less speech protections.

  • Since the bill applies to any “service or product,” this bill could prohibit a counselor from helping even adult clients from exploring options to address questions over sexuality, an author from selling a book challenging gender ideology, and a church from hosting a ticketed conference addressing issues of human sexuality and gender ideology.

  • Politicians ARE creating a law that denies people the freedom to find counseling and resources to help them find happiness, and chilling the First Amendment speech rights of counselors and other organizations and individuals that provide those services.

In light of these facts, as your constituent I’m asking that you vote NO on HF16/SF23.

Respectfully signed,