According to recent polling data from Marist, even though the majority of respondents described themselves as “pro-choice,” a majority of Americans support significant restrictions on abortion. As President Biden, congressional democrats, and pro-abortion lawmakers in many states push for radical abortion laws, they are increasingly out of step with the American public. Three-quarters of the Marist’s respondents were in favor of significant restrictions on abortion, including 55% of respondents who described themselves as “pro-choice.”

Marist’s data also found that 65% of Americans oppose or strongly oppose taxpayer-funded abortions, and 77% oppose the use of U.S. tax dollars to pay for abortions in other nations. Just over a week after he took office, President Biden reversed the Mexico City Policy, which prevented the funding of abortions overseas. He and his allies in Congress have also set their sights on ending the Hyde Amendment, a pro-life rider that prevents federal funds from being spent on abortion. Based on Marist’s data, the Hyde Amendment and the Mexico City Policy are supported by the majority of Americans. Similarly, according to Marist, only 15% of Americans support abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, yet the recent push to codify Roe v. Wade would do just that. The radical pro-abortion policies being championed by President Biden and his political allies are not only unspeakable wrong, they are also incredibly unpopular.

Life begins at conception and abortion at any stage ends the life of an innocent child. Popular opinion can never change that. The abortion lobby’s insistence on abortion “on demand without apology” would still be evil even if was supported by the majority of Americans. But right now, this position doesn’t even have the support of the majority of Americans. It has the support of the powerful, wealthy abortion lobby and the politicians they work to elect. Planned Parenthood has been very open about which policies they want to see the Biden administration enact—policies that end the lives of the unborn and put the interests of Planned Parenthood above the safety and well-being of women. 

Even as pro-abortion politicians push for radical expansions of abortion, Marist’s research shows that there is hope. Americans do not want these radical policies. The abortion lobby and their allies do not represent the majority of Americans. Furthermore, as we’ve noted before, many Americans have never had a real conversation about abortion or thought carefully about the issue, and very few Americans see abortion as a good thing. There are many people who describe themselves as “pro-choice” who may actually be open to persuasion when someone takes the time to winsomely engage with them. Between those who are open to persuasion and those who already support abortion restrictions, there is evidence that, even with a radically pro-abortion administration in place, the future is pro-life.

(Image: Flickr, James McNellis, CC BY-ND-NC-2.0)