Following up on his campaign promises to radically advance the abortion lobby’s agenda, President Biden has reversed the Mexico City Policy and rolled back the Title X Protect Life Rule. This means that U.S. taxpayer dollars will once again be used to pay for abortions in nations that receive aid from the United States, and will also be given to abortion businesses here in the U.S. via the Title X program.

The Mexico City Policy has been implemented by pro-life Presidents since the 1980s to prevent federal funding of non-government organizations (NGOs) that perform or promote abortions. Under the Trump administration, this policy was expanded so that it applied not just to USAID, but to any federal agency that distributes foreign health assistance. President Biden’s order reverses this, allowing taxpayer dollars to be used to export abortion to developing countries.

This order also rolls back a rule blocking Title X funds from going to abortion providers and prohibiting Title X recipients from referring patients to abortion providers. The Title X Family Planning program is intended to offer assistance to low-income and uninsured women and families. From 2013 to 2015, Planned Parenthood received $1.5 billion in federal funds through the Title X program. The Protect Life Rule prevented this from continuing and instead supported providers who do not offer or refer for abortion. Yesterday’s executive order means that Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers will once again be able to receive these funds.

Recent polling data shows that nearly six out of every 10 Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, including over a third of those who consider themselves pro-choice. Under President Biden’s order, American taxpayers will be aiding the abortion industry in the U.S. and paying for abortion abroad.

“It’s been a busy week,” President Biden said as he prepared to sign yesterday’s order. That it has. President Biden has signed over three dozen executive orders in a little over a week since taking office, including a sweeping order advancing the transgender agenda, and another one changing the military’s transgender policy and approving gender reassignment surgery for soldiers.

Abortion harms women and kills babies. Throughout its history, the abortion industry has consistently targeted low-income and minority communities. The Mexico City Policy and the Title X Protect Life Rule prevented federal funds from assisting in this targeting. President Biden’s most recent executive action means that the abortion industry will once again be aided by federal dollars to encourage and pay for abortions.

(Image: Twitter, C-Span)