MINNEAPOLIS – This week, a Minnesota district court judge in St. Paul issued a sweeping ruling gutting many of Minnesota’s commonsense regulations on abortion. Renee Carlson, General Counsel of True North Legal, an independent legal initiative associated with Minnesota Family Council, released the following statement on the ruling:

True North Legal is deeply disappointed in the Minnesota District Court's opinion this week and its disregard for the rule of law in holding that many of Minnesota's laws that protect women and girls, including significant protective laws like parental notification, informed consent, and physician only law, are unconstitutional. This opinion completely disregards the safety of women and young girls. The opinion relies on the erroneous holdings in Doe v. Gomez in an attempt to eviscerate critical and reasonable legal protections, and will be hugely consequential to the health and standards of care for all women and young girls. 

This opinion is revealing--demonstrating that the abortion industry and the current administration, including our own Attorney General, will do everything in their power to remove any checks on abortion on demand, showing complete disregard for women and girls, the people these laws were created to protect. If the decision stands, it opens the door for continued violence against women who choose not to get an abortion against their partner's demands, as well as a license for men to prey on young girls, relying on abortion for their rescue.

Despite the United States Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson, this baseless decision clings to the mythical right to abortion invented by the Minnesota Supreme Court in Doe v. Gomez. In fact, abortion violates the rights of the unborn and hijacks parental rights, separating parents from their daughters at a time when they need them most. 

As a result of the court’s decision, the rights and protections of unborn children will continue to be violated, and reasonable laws that protect women and young girls now hang in the balance, as any defense to this judicial overreach is in the hands of Attorney General Kieth Ellison, who  ‘pledged’ to protect abortion rights in Minnesota immediately following Dobbs, positioning our state to be the abortion destination of the Midwest.