Today, President Biden announced he will take executive action to expand abortion in America. The Executive Order comes in response to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which just two weeks ago overturned Roe v. Wade. 

John Helmberger, CEO of Minnesota Family Council released the following statement:

“Today’s news is tragic: the President of the United States is going out of his way to support an industry committed to ending the lives of the youngest Americans. And yet, this is little surprise. The Biden Administration and Democrat leadership are ‘all abortion, all the time.’ With the Supreme Court’s decision to topple that shrine, the Biden Administration will do anything to preserve its radical agenda.

“Not only that, but the manner in which the President spoke of his policies is consistent with another theme of his Administration: thwarting the work of states with whom the White House disagrees. If the American people won’t do what the White House wants, the White House will try to do it for them – and discount their views as “extremist” in the process. In this case, that means using taxpayer dollars to help end the lives of babies in pro-life states.

“During his announcement speech, the President emphatically and repeatedly called on Americans to go to the ballot box in November. Governor Walz has made the same call here in Minnesota. We agree. This election may be the most consequential of our lifetimes. In kind, we call on men and women across the nation to vote pro-life this November and move us closer to being a state and a nation where life is truly cherished.” 

“Minnesota Family Council is staunchly opposed to this executive order and to the President’s calls to codify Roe v. Wade. We will continue to work to end abortion in Minnesota, and assist our allies at the state and national levels to ensure that babies are protected in all 50 states and under federal law.”