Last month Planned Parenthood released their 2019-20 report. The abortion giant’s report says a lot about their priorities and those priorities are not good for anyone except the abortion industry. Between October 1, 2018 and September 30, 2019, Planned Parenthood committed 354,871 abortions, over 9,000 more than they committed the previous year. As we recently noted, Planned Parenthood has also expanded into the area of “gender medicine” with 200 locations providing cross-sex hormones.

The 2019-20 fiscal year was profitable for Planned Parenthood, with their report revealing over $2 billion in net assets, up from $1.9 billion the previous year. Meanwhile, their super PAC spent $45 million in the 2020 elections. As they thrive financially and spend money supporting radical pro-abortion candidates, real services provided to women continue to decrease. They provided 23,000 fewer breast screenings and pap tests than they did the previous year, and 4,700 fewer well-woman exams.

Adoption referrals were roughly half what they were the previous year, meaning that Planned Parenthood committed 130 abortions for every one adoption referral. It should also be noted that Planned Parenthood is intentionally vague about what “adoption referral” means and one former Planned Parenthood facility manager has publicly said that if a client accepted a pamphlet on adoption, Planned Parenthood will count that as an adoption referral, even if no actual adoption referral went through.

Planned Parenthood’s so-called “care” for women stands in stark contrast with the work done by pregnancy resource centers, which, despite their smaller size, do far more for women and families, offering material support, medical services, counseling, and education programs.

The annual report also boasts that 1.1 million people have been reached with their affiliate sex-ed programs. These programs have a record of failure and introduce children to sexually explicit content.

They also bragged in their report that in early 2020 they “moved quickly” to provide their affiliates with PPE when COVID-19 hit. While PPE is no longer in short supply, let’s not forget that in the early weeks of the pandemic, hospital workers faced severe shortages and elective procedures were put on hold in order to reserve equipment for frontline workers. Elective procedures other than abortion, that is. The abortion industry snatched up available PPE and in many states, including Minnesota, refused to close their doors during lockdowns, insisting that abortion is “essential.”

Planned Parenthood’s priorities are clear—continue making money off of abortions, continue to push a radical sexual agenda, and continue to gain political power. Planned Parenthood is not and never has been concerned with offering real care and support to women or families and their annual report confirms this.

(Image: Flickr, Robin Marty, CC BY 2.0)