Remember when Minnesota Family Council was suspended from Twitter for a week for correctly identifying Dr. Rachel Levine as a man who identifies as a woman? This week it was Senator Rand Paul's (R-KY) turn to attract heat for asking Dr. Levine a perfectly reasonable question during his hearings to be confirmed as Deputy HHS Secretary. 

SENATOR PAUL: Dr. Levine, do you believe that minors are capable of making such a life-changing decision as changing one’s sex?

DR. LEVINE: Well, Senator thank you for your interest in this question. Transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field with robust research and standards of care that have been developed. And if I am fortunate enough to be confirmed as the Assistant Secretary of Health, I will look forward to working with you and your office and coming to your office and discussing the particulars of the standards of care for transgender medicine.

Not content with evading the question once, Levine refused to answer when the question was put again, repeating almost the exact same non-answer.

SENATOR PAUL: Will you make a more firm decision on whether or not minors should be involved in these decisions?

DR. LEVINE: Senator, transgender medicine is a very complex and nuanced field. And if confirmed to the position of Assistant Secretary of Health, I would certainly be pleased to come to your office and talk with you and your staff about the standards of care and the complexity of this field.

But, as you can see from the screenshots of news coverage above, it was Senator Paul's reasonable question on the life-altering and damaging nature of "gender transition" for minors, rather than Dr. Levine's evasion, that attracted the ire of the news media, who referred to Senator Paul's question as a "transphobic attack" and an "inflammatory question."

We're grateful for Senator Paul and other leaders who had the courage to pursue this line of questioning, which is crucial for Biden's health appointees to answer. Dr. Levine has showed by his evasion that he is not qualified to keep children safe from predatory medicine in the role of Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services.