Late in the day on December 7, 1941, the Japanese high command was jubilant. Thick, black smoke rose over Pearl Harbor as fires raged on dozens of vessels that made up the American Pacific Fleet, including eight battleships! 

One hundred and sixty-six years earlier on the north side of Boston, British forces celebrated as the upstart colonial militia withdrew at the end of what became known as the Battle of Bunker Hill. 

Had they been able to see the future though, the Japanese, and the British before them, would have been a bit more circumspect. In the end, these wins were more like losses.

I think there’s a lesson here for many on the Left, who have been giddy with self-congratulations after last month’s election. They would be wise to consider the overall narrative, to observe which way the winds are actually blowing, and to plan accordingly.

That’s what we’re doing. Yes, there’s a sense of mourning among conservatives over the loss of the presidency, but we can’t afford to mourn for long – nor should we in light of the bigger picture. Now is the time to press on, prepare, and build on the positives.

Right now, I’m asking for your help. We made a big financial investment in pro-life, pro-family candidates this election – and we have much to show for those efforts (more about that in a moment). Now we need to refill the coffers so we’re ready to continue the battle we’ve been engaged in the last two years – partnering with allies in the Minnesota Senate to defend our rights against attempts in the House and from the governor to curtail or even cancel them. 

A strong, healthy Minnesota Family Council is needed right now to do that important front-line work. That’s why I’m asking you to prayerfully consider a year-end gift to support this ministry. Your generous gift of $25.00, $50.00, $100.00 or even more, as God leads, will help us persevere and set us up to continue mounting a strong defense in 2021.

Bunker Hill may have been a tactical victory for the British, but they suffered terrible losses, especially among the officers, and they came to understand that they had overestimated their own superiority and underestimated the resilience and ability of the colonists. On the other side, the loss was a huge moral victory for the nascent colonial army. 

The British had been heavy favorites – all the “polls” were calling for a blow-out. It didn’t happen then, and it didn’t happen last month either. The blue wave predicted by pollsters and pundits didn’t happen. 

Nationally, the Left appears to have failed in their primary goal to take control of the U.S Senate and they actually lost at least seven seats in the House. Similarly, in Minnesota liberals failed to win the Senate and lost ground in the House. And MFC election efforts made a difference in many of the critical races that led to that outcome.

Despite all their money and media that shamelessly campaigns for them, liberals’ plans were largely frustrated.

In 1941, the Japanese thought they’d struck a crippling blow to the U.S. They hadn’t. Not only were none of the Pacific Fleet carriers in Pearl Harbor at the time, but most of the battleships damaged in the attack were eventually repaired and sent back out into combat. The Japanese awakened the sleeping giant, and paid dearly for it just six months later at the Battle of Midway. 

I think the left’s Midway may come at the Midterms. 

I am optimistic that we will see a red wave that takes back the U.S House and that’s strong enough to lift conservative candidates across Minnesota too. 

There’s much to do between now and then though. For now, our defense continues. We’ll be there, fighting for your values, being your voice in St. Paul. 

Over the next two years we’ll push back against that vision and offer, in its place, a timeless, compelling, life-giving, freedom-affirming vision for public policy and governance that promotes opportunity for all.

If you share that vision, it’s time to stand with us. We need your support to move boldly into the opportunities that lie ahead. So, as we near the end of the year, and look to the challenges ahead next year, please prayerfully consider a year-end gift of $25.00, $50.00, $100.00 or even more, as the Lord leadsto Minnesota Family Institute or Minnesota Family Council.