It's okay to admit it: it's been a tough year! We’ve probably all heard at least one person say, “I can’t wait for 2020 to be over.” Perhaps we’ve said it ourselves. For many, 2020 has been a year of frustration, disappointment, and heartache, and we may be wrestling with how we can give thanks right now. That’s exactly why Thanksgiving is so important this year.

Scripture calls us to “Give thanks in all circumstances.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18) This doesn’t mean that Christians glibly ignore reality. It means that we remember that our joy and hope are based on something—someone—far greater than our circumstances and because of that, we celebrate and give thanks! Because we know that God is on the throne, that his purposes will prevail, and that the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, we give thanks in the midst of turmoil.

This year, as every year, I am thankful for the steadfast love of God. In a world that is full of change and upheaval, God remains faithful and unchanging. The uncertainty and unrest of this year has been a constant reminder of this glorious truth, and I thank God for those reminders, difficult as they may be.

I am grateful for the way that this year has been a reminder of the blessing of family. In the face of, and often because of, the difficulties of this year, families have been drawn closer together and in a recent survey asking Americans what they are thankful for this year, the top answer was family! Let’s thank God for the good gift of family and pray that families will continue to be strengthened and drawn together. At Minnesota Family Council, strengthening the family is our primary mission.

I am thankful that God holds the future. None of us entered 2020 expecting the year that we’ve had, and maybe you feel apprehensive as we approach 2021. We don’t know what next year holds, or even what tomorrow holds, but we do know who holds tomorrow, and we know that we can trust him. In Psalm 27, David writes, “I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”

And that’s my prayer for you and our nation this Thanksgiving, that we will be confident and strong in the Lord, taking heart, waiting for Him—and thankful for His presence with us, which is more than enough. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

In Christ,
