With the disruption of the past few weeks, it can be easy to forget what day it is, so let us do you a favor by reminding you that tomorrow is April Fools’ Day, that delightful day dedicated to pranks and jokes. Unfortunately, it is no joke that tomorrow the Saint Paul City Council is introducing a counseling ban that would prohibit licensed therapists from helping their clients explore all options to address questions over sexual orientation. Due to the remote nature of this meeting, the public is able to listen, but not to comment and voice their concerns over the proposal.
Misleadingly labeled a “conversion therapy” ban, this kind of proposal prohibits young people who are struggling with their sexual identity from receiving counseling to help them live consistently with their biological sex. Minnesota Family Council opposes these bans as an infringement on free speech and religious freedom and inappropriate government interference with the relationship between a patient and their counselor or health care provider.
Christians believe that people can change and experience true joy by embracing biblical teaching on sexuality. It is not the role of any city council to decide what counseling options an individual may pursue, and government bureaucrats should never prevent families and individuals from pursuing and licensed professionals from offering counsel that accords with their Christian beliefs, which is exactly what this ban would do.
By introducing this proposal in the middle of a Stay at Home order, the Saint Paul City Council is preventing members of the public from speaking up in defense of their freedoms. It is wrong to use a time of crisis to introduce this proposal in a format that does not allow the people of Saint Paul to share their concerns. All Minnesotans should be able to live out their faith without fear of being banned from receiving counseling for believing in the power of God to change hearts and minds!