The past weeks have brought plenty of bad news as COVID-19 sweeps across the globe. While we should take the time to be aware of what is going on in the world, we should also take the time to be refreshed with good news. Last week, we looked at five practical ways to love our neighbors during a pandemic. This week, here are five good things that have come about as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Families spending time together.

As most states, including Minnesota, are under shelter in place orders, the importance of family is more evident than ever. With everyone at home, families are turning toward one another and finding creative ways to spend time with each other. Justin Coulson at the Institute for Family Studies has pointed out that this could be a time of growth for families. As high numbers of people move to remote work at this time, some have suggested that this could lead to a long-term shift in the way that Americans think about work and family. any of us have hectic work schedules that make us wish for more time with family. Now we have that chance - how will we use it? 

2. Churches and Christian organizations are meeting needs and ministering to their local communities.

From local churches meeting the tangible needs of people in their communities by running errands for elderly and at-risk individuals, providing food to families facing economic uncertainty, offering their parking lots as testing sites, and providing meals and encouragement to first-responders and medical workers, to Christian organizations like Samaritan’s Purse setting up field hospitals in New York, the church is at work serving as the hands and feet of Christ during this time of crisis. [As a reminder, MFC is deeply involved in these efforts. Please forward this invitation for our webinar on Tuesday, April 7, to pastors and ministry leaders at your church:].

3. Several states are halting abortions.

As healthcare systems are feeling strain and facing shortages, several states have moved to protect unborn children, calling for abortion facilities to close their doors in the midst of this crisis. Personal protective equipment (PPE) should go to people who are saving lives, not ending them, and a growing number of states are recognizing this. Although abortions continue in Minnesota, we’re sending an open letter to Governor Walz urgently requesting that this be halted immediately so that masks and protective equipment can go to hospitals that need them. Sign the letter today by clicking here.

4. Communities are coming together.

Local communities are coming together and encouraging one another during this time. One Rochester neighborhood has been putting stuffed animals in their windows so that local children can go on “bear hunts.” Minnesota restaurants and food workers have provided meals to people in need, and local companies are shifting to focus on producing vital medical equipment like masks, face shields, and hand sanitizer. MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell used the announcement of his company’s shift to manufacturing masks for healthcare workers as an opportunity to call Americans to prayer in the midst of this pandemic and to encourage families to spend time together in the word of God.

5. People are praying

Others are also recognizing the need for prayer during this time. 55% of Americans say that they have prayed for an end to coronavirus, including 15% who say that they seldom or never pray, and Google searches for the “prayer” have reached an all-time high. People are searching for hope and certainty right now. As the church, let’s use this time to point people to the gospel, and let us all continue to pray for the health and safety of our communities, as well as for the salvation of the people around us. Wouldn’t it be an incredible thing if God used COVID-19 to bring about a revival in our nation and around the world?

In the midst of all the bad news surrounding COVID-19, there is also good news, and we shouldn’t forget that. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, which means that we see his kindness in the midst of calamity, and that is reason to praise him!