Pictured above, Renee Carlson, General Counsel of True North Legal, emcees a press conference on behalf of MOMS, Mothers Offering Maternal Support, where a group of over 50 MOMS is seeking to intervene in a significant case about abortion in Minnesota.

Constitutional expert and lawyer, Teresa Collett is serving as lead counsel in this case. Just this past summer, Ramsey County District Court Judge Thomas Gilligan, struck down nearly all abortion regulations, even laws that included bipartisan legislative support. As it stands, this decision makes Minnesota one of the most radical abortion states in the entire coutry.

If it remains law, women will no longer be provided critical information about a medical decision as significant as abortion; people other than doctors will be able to perform abortions; there will be no waiting periods required for adults or minors girls; and most significantly, the law will separate daughters from their parents at a time when she needs them most, taking away their right to be infomed of critical medical decisions like abortion -- threatening our daughters' health and safety, making them vulnerable to coercion, and also enabling sex traffickers and sexual predators to prey on our young daughters. MOMS intervention is critical, as Renee Carlson stated, "the Attorney General of Minnesota has stepped aside, so Minnesota MOMS are stepping in."

Alpha News provided comprehensive coverage of the press conference. You can watch the video and read the article here.