Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion activists have stepped up digital and billboard campaigns to normalize abortion. In Minnesota, billboards plaster highways with messages like “abortion is still legal in Minnesota” and “it is still your right” (although, actually, it never has been). In other states, billboards claim that “Texas doesn’t own your body.” They invite vulnerable women to travel to other states to have an abortion. California’s state government is the primary culprit, using taxpayer dollars to advertise the fact that their state is a safe haven for abortionists.  

Earlier this week, California Governor Gavin Newsom proclaimed that his campaign has spent $10 million on pro-abortion billboards in certain pro-life states. The targeted states included Texas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Mississippi, Ohio, and Oklahoma. Each of these states has banned abortion following the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Indiana, which has also been a target of these advertisements, banned abortion just last week.

These pro-abortion campaigns promote the murder of innocent children. They are disgraceful attempts to put a false message in front of vulnerable women.

Under the Newsom administration, Californian taxpayers are also obligated to pay for a website advertising abortion. In May, Governor Newsom announced a “Reproductive Health Package” aimed at promoting abortion in California and elsewhere. In this package, which budgeted about $200 million for abortion purposes, Newsom touted a Comprehensive Reproductive Rights website and increased infrastructure for abortion businesses.

The website, which was paid for by Californian taxpayers, says that abortion is “legal and protected in California” and is available for anyone across the United States. It also includes information on how to procure an abortion in the most cost-effective way.

This website is a part of a concerted effort to use taxpayer dollars to aid in the advancement of the abortion industry. But abortion is murder, so it’s grotesque for our nation’s biggest state to spend taxpayer dollars marketing it, over and above the millions of dollars already pouring in to fund the actual procedures.

The truth is undeniable, California is funding the destruction of human life. Whether directly or indirectly, publicly or not, they are creating an abortion Mecca, where doctors can migrate to perform abortions “legally.” A state where the rights of unborn children are entirely ignored. 

Like California, Minnesota is quickly becoming an abortion sanctuary, but we can do something about it. We have hope that the truth will win out. We must pray God would open the eyes of our leaders to the horrors of abortion, and they would side with life. We must work hard to elect those who support the cause of life at every stage. We must never compromise in our fight for the rights of the unborn. That’s why we’re so heartened to support the work of the MOMS coalition, fighting to support Minnesota’s pro-life regulations which were overturned this summer by one stroke of a judge’s pen.

But make no mistake – the future is pro-life. Defending the rights of the unborn is literally protecting the future. Your work with pro-life organizations like crisis pregnancy centers and pro-life political organizations like Minnesota Family Council is more crucial now than ever.