It has been a long time since American conservatives have been on the offensive. Perhaps Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is an exception, but in large part, conservative leaders are so busy attempting to reel in progressive radicalism that they struggle to enact positive change. With conservatism on defense, it is interesting to consider what kind of nation we would create if given the opportunity. The nation of Hungary provides an excellent example, along with inspiring hope for the conservative movement.

The Hungarian Fidesz party, which champions conservative values, won the 2022 election in a landslide over its liberal opponents. Not only did their Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, win another term in office, but Fidesz was able to expand their parliamentary super-majority. Their victory has set in motion the expansion of conservative values across the nation.

In large part, their victory is due to the party’s willingness to go on the offensive. Instead of simply trying to forestall the progressive march through institutions, they have taken proactive steps to make their country a better place.

The Minister of State under Viktor Orban announced that Hungary would be spending 6.2 percent of the nation’s GDP on family policy. These policies will focus on promoting strong marriages, followed by an increase in childbirth. According to National Review, Hungary was plagued with below average marriage rates leading up to Orban’s election. After Orban took office and instituted benefits for married couples, marriage rates not only increased, but divorce rates fell by 40 percent. During the pandemic, Orban promoted childbirth by giving substantial grants to parents. This led to a “Covid baby boom,” which has kept childbirth above pre-Covid levels, which was, according to National Review writer Lyman Stone, “an extremely rare accomplishment.”

Viktor Orban and his Fidesz supporters are not just on the offensive in the home, but they have taken the battle to the classroom. Much like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Orban has pushed for a Child Protection Act, banning the teaching of LGBTQ ideologies in the classroom.  

The victory of Viktor Orban and the Fidesz should bring hope to American conservatives. Instead of thinking about what they want to prevent, Hungarian conservatives have considered what kind of country they want to create. Hungary is now a country where being a parent with a solid marriage and healthy children is not only acceptable but promoted by the government. It is a country where the traditional family is the model taught in most classrooms. 

This is not to say that Hungary is a perfect place. Although still considered free, many news outlets have reported experiencing repression under the policies of Viktor Orban. Although the Hungarian government has done much good, Americans should be careful in following too closely in Orban’s footsteps.

But American conservatives can and should take heart from the Hungarian result, knowing that change is possible. The Hungarian government has focused on real social issues that will have long-lasting positive effects on future generations. American conservatives should focus more on actively promoting policies that will bless American families. In addition to bringing the traditional family back to classrooms, let’s think about how we can support young families with children. In addition to abolishing abortion and making it unthinkable, let’s promote stronger marriages. In addition to fighting Critical Race Theory, lets actively promote the idea that all men are created equal and in God’s image. America, it’s time to go on offense.