On March 31st, the Biden Administration sent a letter to all state Attorneys General demanding that they make it easier for children who identify as transgender to receive puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-change surgeries. The goal of this, according to the Administration, is to “keep [kids] healthy and safe.”  Indeed, President Biden has referred to “transgender equality” as “the civil rights issue of our time,” comparing it to Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington.

The letter outlines how the Biden Administration intends to stop individual states from banning so-called “gender-affirming care.” If a child, under the influence of teachers, peers, or parents, wants to change their gender, they will receive legal protection to do so. But most, if not all,  children will outgrow their gender dysphoria by the time they reach adulthood, so why does the Biden administration think that providing so-called “gender-affirming care” is so vital?

The Administration’s rationale is that transition-affirming procedures will lower suicide rates of transgender-identified children. Transition affirmation, however, does not reduce the rates of child suicides. In Sweden, a study has shown that people who go through sex-reassignment have a 20% higher suicide rate than the base population.

Much of the reasoning behind these radical ideas is based on the lie that children are able to be born in the wrong body. This idea proposes that kids are born with the wrong gender and must change it to become who they always were, on the inside. However, according to Michelle Cretella, the Director of the American College of Pediatricians, the idea a child is born in the wrong body is “is a myth that has no basis in science.” The idea of sex-reassignment often forms in a child’s early teen years, and is caused by teachers, peers, and parents who encourage them to turn discomfort with their changing body into a desire to permanently change it. 

Supporting “gender-affirming care” for any age is wrong. But encouraging children, who do not have the capacity to assess risks, to begin sex-reassignment procedures is even worse. Here’s why.

First, cross-sex hormones (used for sex-reassignment) have been associated with major health risks, such as cardiac disease, high blood pressures, blood clots, strokes, diabetes, and cancers later in life. The dangers of this can be demonstrated in how the UK, which has led the world in transition-affirmation, has begun to change its tune on the issue. In 2020, a UK court ruled that children under 16 could no longer receive transitional hormones because of the threat of severe health risks. Despite this, our culture, now supported by the Biden Administration, is fast-tracking kids towards dangerous transition hormones.

Second, the further a child goes down the path of gender-transitioning, the harder it becomes to de-transition. If a child begins to regret their decision later in life, it can be very difficult to return to their biological sex. How can we allow misinformed and underaged children to take experimental drugs, and mutilate themselves in sex-reassignment surgeries?

Apparently, the Biden Administration will not only allow this, but will actively affirm children who want to deny their biological sex. The simple fact is that the Administration will destroy the lives of children in their quest for “gender-affirmation.” We must stand against this injustice. We must stand up and keep our kids safe.