The Family Beacon

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MN House Targets Abortion Protestors: A Sign of Things to Come?

Today, the Minnesota House Judiciary Committee voted to send HF3749 to the House floor by party line vote. This is a bill that targets sidewalk counselors who work outside abortion clinics to help women access compassionate alternatives to abortion.

Because it’s already illegal under Minnesota and federal law to obstruct the entrance of a clinic, this bill is targeting people who are exercising their free speech rights, not getting in the way.

This bill was sponsored by Rep. Heather Edelson (DFL-Edina) and supported by Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America. Minnesota Family Council and Pro-Life Action Ministries submitted testimony against the bill, and we will keep fighting until women and babies are safe from the scourge of abortion in our state.

This dangerous bill could be a worrying sign of things to come. If pro-abortion legislators win a majority in the Minnesota Senate in November, they will immediately get to work on taking away the rights of people and organizations who are working to give women better options than abortion.

There is Nothing Moderate About Abortion

Recently, Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar has been hailed as a “moderate” for calling for a “big tent” approach that makes room for pro-life democrats. Early in the Primary cycle, Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard broke with the current progressive narrative by reintroducing a mantra from the Clinton era: abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. Former Vice President Joe Biden, for much of his career, has described himself as taking a “middle of the road” position on abortion.

Some have regarded these statements and positions as evidence that “abortion moderates” are emerging in the Democratic party. The problem with this view is that it assumes a “moderate” approach to abortion can exist. This simply is not so. There is no such thing as an abortion moderate because there is nothing moderate about abortion. So-called “moderate” positions attempt to find a middle ground between two ideas that cannot co-exist.

Furthermore, Klobuchar’s voting record on abortion is not moderate in any sense of the word. She has voted in favor of abortion every opportunity that she has had, and supports abortion up until birth. She even opposes the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act, which would make sure that abortion survivors receive medical care.

Many who claim to be abortion moderates will argue that they are personally opposed to abortion, but do not want to prevent someone else from making that choice, or that they want abortion to be allowed, but only in a small number of cases. But taking the life of another human being cannot be a “private” choice and the choice of a society or an individual to turn a blind eye to the taking of innocent lives is not neutral. If someone is only privately or personally opposed to abortion, they are either unwilling to say that it is evil and that it takes an innocent human life, or by their refusal to publicly oppose abortion they are saying that such evil is acceptable. As Kathryn Jean Lopez asked, “What good is private opposition in the face of the death of innocent life, the pitting of a mother against her child, the trail of misery that is legal abortion, with all the cultural pressures in favor of abortion?”

Exposing Works Done in Darkness

In 2015, the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released a series of undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s horrifying and illegal practices of harvesting and selling organs from aborted babies. Over four years after the fact, Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation have managed to persuade a jury and much of the public that they are the victims in this case and that David Daleiden and his associates at the Center for Medical Progress owe them restitution for damages caused by the undercover videos. 

The videos released by CMP revealed Planned Parenthood medical directors callously discussing pricing of aborted fetal tissue over lunch, making jokes about increasing prices for certain organs in order to afford a Lamborghini and admitting to leaving abortion survivors to die, as well as abortionists admitting to illegally altering late-term abortion procedures so that harvested organs would remain intact and discussing strategies for harvesting body parts without violating bans on partial-birth abortions.

In a ruling against Daleiden in November, the judge and jury refused to take into account Planned Parenthood’s crimes that were exposed by the Center for Medical Progress or their First Amendment rights to call into account the evil being committed by this powerful organization. As the Center for Medical Progress stated in their response to the ruling, “This is a dangerous precedent for citizen journalism and First Amendment civil rights across the country, sending the message that speaking the truth and using facts to criticize the powerful is no longer protected by our institutions.” 

Although six charges have been dropped, Daleiden and his associates at CMP are still facing trial on nine felony counts and potentially up to ten years in prison. He and Sandra Merritt will be arraigned on the 21st of this month.

Why Good Christian Girls Choose Abortion

This piece by Wendy Banister Bonano, executive director of Gateway Women's Care was originally published by our colleagues at North Carolina Family Policy Council

“Deidra” sobbed uncontrollably as she explained why she had to have an abortion. Deidra is a 19-year-old freshman at North Carolina State University, the first in her family to go to college, and has her sights set on being a Physician Assistant. She loves the Lord, is active in her church and her parents have raised her well, teaching her God’s standards of purity and abstinence until marriage. Despite all that, Deidra and her boyfriend went “too far” and now, here she is at Gateway Women’s Care, scared to death and too afraid to tell her parents she’s pregnant. As this intelligent, capable young woman sits in front of me, the words tumbled out…

I’m so scared to tell my parents I’m pregnant. I have to have an abortion because my parents can never know I’ve been having sex; they would be horrified and I’d rather go through an abortion than have to face them and disappoint them. 

Unfortunately, Deidra’s response is extremely common. It is heartbreaking to witness the genuine fear and indecision that many Christian girls experience when faced with an unplanned pregnancy and how it drives girls to NOT seek help from those who love them the most—their parents. These fears are why “good” Christian girls abort and why their parents will most likely never know.

How then should we talk to our children about sex, purity, unplanned pregnancies and abortion?
More than ten years of experience at Gateway Women’s Care has shown me that quite often there’s a piece missing from the “talks” parents have with their daughters and sons. Without knowing it, we are leaving no doors open for our children to come back to us should they stray. We are making good, strong cases for purity until marriage and yet neglecting to communicate the message of grace: that we are there for them no matter what, and should they make a mistake—in this case, get pregnant—it is safe for them to come to us for help and support.

This is Why We March, and Why We Pray (March for Life 2020)

Since 1974, the year after Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in all 50 states, men and women around the country have marched every year to commemorate the lives lost to abortion. Almost 50 years later, legalized abortion has resulted in the deaths of over 61 million unborn babies.

The numbers are staggering, especially when one stops to consider that every one of those babies was someone’s daughter or son, sister, brother, grandchild, niece or nephew. But far more earth-shattering is the fact that we live in a nation that nonchalantly approves of this evil at the rate of 39 murders per hour.  

In the face of the evil of abortion, we cannot be silent—it is an injustice that demands a response. The March for Life is one of the ways that we respond. It is one of the ways that we tell the world and our nation that abortion is not acceptable, that babies should not be stripped of their right to life, and that women deserve better than abortion. 

As we march, we should keep in mind that hope in the face of the evil of abortion can only be found at the cross, so we turn to God, praying for his justice and his mercy for both the sinner and the sinned against, knowing that apart from God the abortion industry will not be defeated. God works through his people, but his people can accomplish nothing apart from him.

Is It Okay to Kill a Baby Because She's a Girl? Planned Parenthood Won't Say No

A Roman soldier wrote the following in a letter to his wife over 2,000 years ago: “If you bear a child and it is male, let it be; if it is female, cast it out.”

The jarring statement appears in a casual letter home, highlighting its cold brutality. This was what it was like to live in a society that did not value human life and chose to see women as less valuable than men.  

If the same statement was uttered today, it would surely be met with shock, horror, and outrage. Right?

Perhaps not as much as we might hope.

Minnesota Seeks to Dismiss Frivolous Abortion Lawsuit

As first reported by the Star Tribune, Minnesota’s solicitor general Liz Kramer has filed a motion to dismiss a frivolous lawsuit brought by radical abortion activists.

The subject of the lawsuit is Minnesota’s reasonable health and safety protections for women. Minnesota’s bipartisan laws regarding a sometimes-dangerous procedure, such as requiring that only physicians perform abortions and providing women factual non-biased information about abortion before undergoing it, are pure common sense and supported by most Minnesotans. This lawsuit seeks to create a lawless and unsafe environment that would hurt women in Minnesota, whom these laws are designed to protect.

Solicitor General Liz Kramer’s 27-page filing (read the whole thing here) asked the court to dismiss the lawsuit because the plaintiffs, anonymous medical professionals and First Unitarian Society of Minneapolis. “The Plaintiffs want to re-write Minnesota law with respect to abortion,” Kramer wrote “The courts are not the right vehicle for that effort—the Legislature is.”

Minnesota Salutes Grandparents Day...By Considering Physician-Assisted Suicide?

On Sunday, the United States celebrated Grandparents’ Day, a day set aside since 1978 to honor grandparents and the important role that they play in their families. The original proclamation from the first Grandparents’ Day says, “Just as a nation learns and is strengthened by its history, so a family learns and is strengthened by its understanding of preceding generations. As Americans live longer, more and more families are enriched by their shared experiences with grandparents and great-grandparents.”

Grandparents bring to a family the wisdom and experience that comes with age, and it is right to honor them. But has our care and appreciation of the elderly declined? It is horrifyingly ironic that, just days after a day of appreciation for grandparents, Minnesota legislators are holding an informational hearing on a bill that would legalize physician-assisted suicide in our state.

Physician-assisted suicide is presented as “compassionate care” and a way of offering “options” and “dignity” for those who are terminally ill. This is a far cry from reality. Physician-assisted suicide devalues human life and preys on vulnerable people, especially the elderly, and often results in a painful and frightening death. 

Our culture increasingly believes and promulgates the idea that the lives of people with disability, illness, or people who are aging are lesser and not worth living. This lie has taken hold to such an extent that a recent study found that one in five adults who had elevated beta-amyloid, which is associated with increased risk of Alzheimer’s, would consider physician-assisted suicide if they experienced cognitive decline. 

Last year, Australian scientist David Goodall traveled to Switzerland to kill himself under the assisted suicide laws there. His reason? Merely age, not illness. Concerns that physician-assisted suicide will have an adverse effect on quality of life and care for the elderly are not simply fear-mongering.

Earlier this year, an op-ed arguing that Minnesota ought to legalize physician-assisted suicide pointed to the demographic shift in Minnesota as a large portion of our population ages as a that our state should allow physician-assisted suicide. Considering that among those obtaining prescriptions for life-ending drugs in 2018, 64 percent said that they were becoming a “burden” to their friends, family, or caregivers, an aging population should be just one of many reasons that physician-assisted suicide remains illegal. What a devastating tragedy -- that someone would seek to end their own life out of fear of becoming a burden! That would represent a massive failure of our much-vaunted health care system here in Minnesota. 

Legalizing physician-assisted suicide not only enables this kind of predation, but it communicates that some people are less valuable than others and promotes a culture of death. Legalization is associated with increase in overall suicide rates, especially among people age 65 and older—an age demographic that already has the highest suicide rates globally. 

Furthermore, physician-assisted suicide prematurely robs our society of precious and valuable lives and sickens our entire culture. As Ryan T. Anderson pointed out,

[Physician-assisted suicide] would harm our entire culture, especially our family and intergenerational obligations. The temptation to view elderly or disabled family members as burdens will increase, as will the temptation for those family members to internalize this attitude and view themselves as burdens. Physician-assisted suicide undermines social solidarity and true compassion.

The 1978 Grandparents’ Day proclamation is right when it says that our lives are enriched by grandparents and great-grandparents and that “it is appropriate… that we salute our grandparents for their contribution to our lives.” It is appropriate that we value and honor the aging members of our families, as well as of our communities. Surely Minnesota can offer a far better salute than physician-assisted suicide. Let’s expose the lies of physician-assisted suicide and offer true compassion and care, instead.

When We Make Abortion Illegal: The Facts

Perhaps you’ve seen the coat-hanger pins worn by abortion activists, communicating that if abortion were to become illegal, there would be a dramatic increase in unsafe, back-alley abortions. But is this really the case? What will happen when abortion becomes illegal? 

Overturning Myths About Planned Parenthood’s “Care” for Women

A tired, emotionally drained seventeen year old sits in her idling car and aimlessly stares out her window. Her eyes gradually fix on the silver lettering that contrasts against the wooden background of the Minneapolis Planned Parenthood facility. It seems like the right choice, certainly the easiest choice, to walk through those doors and quickly leave her pregnancy behind her forever. However, this young woman will soon realize she does not need Planned Parenthood. Instead, she needs and deserves healthcare that gives her hope.