The opening of a New Year is a time for looking back and looking forward. We look back to remind ourselves of God’s blessings, and we look forward to a new year, renewing our commitment to our values and resolving to live in light of God’s truth.

This past year has seen a lot of good. In 2019, 21 states passed pro-life laws finishing a strong decade in the fight for life. And the Trump administration’s new Title X rule has diverted federal funds away from abortion providers, funneling them to life-affirming pregnancy centers, instead. The most recent CDC report on abortion rates brought with it both good news and bad news, with overall abortion rates falling, but a troubling increase in the use of the abortion pill.

Additionally, this year Minnesota saw an important victory for religious freedom when a federal appeals court protected Carl and Angel Larsen’s First Amendment rights.

But at the start of a new year and a new decade, there is still much important work to be done. 2019 also saw an increase in assisted suicide, as well as continued attacks on life and those who speak up to defend it. Radical ideology has striven to replace common sense policies in sports, and religious foster care and adoption agencies have had a year of ups and downs as they fight for the freedom to affirm God’s design for marriage and family.

The past year also brought into focus the tragic reality that children are increasingly exposed to sexual violence and radical ideology, and schools that take a stand for student safety and privacy, including here in Minnesota, face backlash and lawsuits.

Also in 2019, Minneapolis led the push for Minnesota cities to intrude on counselor-client relationships and dictate what professionals can and cannot say and what kind of treatment city residents can receive, and Duluth has followed suit.  

So how does 2019 shape how we approach 2020? First, we remember that no matter what happens, God is on the throne. Secondly, as we enter 2020, we renew our commitment to speak up for the goodness of God’s design for life, family, and sexuality because we believe in the preciousness of the image of God reflected in every person and in a Savior who is making all things new. It is with that hope that we enter a new decade. It is with this eternal hope, revealed to us in Scripture, that we enter a momentous election year. Join with us as we pray for and work toward a state where God is honored, where life is valued, and where God's designed for marriage and family is lived out in 2020!