The U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote next week on House Resolution 5 (H.R. 5), the so-called “Equality Act,”a measure that will have disastrous consequences for women, children, people of faith – all Americans. 

H.R. 5 adds the legally undefined “sexual orientation and gender identity” (SOGI) to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other federal non-discrimination laws. The bill redefines “sex” to no longer mean the biological “male or female.” Instead, “sex” would include sex stereotypes, sexual orientation, and gender identity. 

H.R. 5 brings the police power of the federal government against those who believe the biological truth of God's design, that "male and female He created them" (Genesis 5:2). The bill labels Christian beliefs about marriage, sexuality, and family “discriminatory.” It empowers the federal government to punish disagreement on this important issue.

This dangerous bill provides no religious exemptions. In fact, it explicitly exempts the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as a defense for violations. 

Similar SOGI laws have been passed in many states and local municipalities, so we already know some of the negative consequences, including: 

  • Private facilities – dressing rooms, showers, and restrooms – would be open to those who believe they are the opposite sex.

  • School children would be introduced to transgender ideology and concepts such as sexual orientation as early as pre-school.

  • Biological males would be permitted to compete against women in school, amateur and professional sports.

  • Faith-based charities who work with federal agencies – such as adoption agencies or homeless shelters – would be forced to violate their religious beliefs.

  • Medical professionals would be forced to provide drugs, hormones, and surgery to those experiencing gender dysphoria – against medical or conscience-based objections.

As soon as the vote date is made public, you'll see an action alert from us allowing you to contact your U.S. Representative directly. The bill will also be introduced in the U.S. Senate next week.