Dear legislator,

Thank you for your service in the Minnesota legislature. As your constituent, I’m writing to ask that you oppose HF91/SF70, the bill that changes Minnesota statute in order to carry out the demands of the Protect Reproductive Options Act. HF91/SF70 dismantles Minnesota’s protections for children in the womb and for removes common sense health and safety protections for women snd young girls that may obtain an abortions.

I believe there are three main reasons why you should vote NO on this legislation:

  1. This bill would force all Minnesotans to pay for all abortion services through Medical Assistance

  2. HF91 repeals the law protecting children born during abortion surgery (Born Alive Infants Protection Act,) legalizing infanticide.

  3. HF91 repeals statutes which ensure that pregnant women give informed consent prior to abortion. 

There are many more reasons to oppose this comprehensive bill, but I think these three truly show the radical nature of this bill. Again, as your constituent, I’m writing to ask for your NO vote on this radical and dangerous bill.

Respectfully signed,