Share the Gospel, Avoid the Theatrics: Christian Political Engagement

By Daniel Rigney

Sometimes engaging in political conversations is like pulling teeth. It’s no wonder that many Christians have little desire to engage with politics because it is too divisive, too complicated, or just not worth the effort. They would rather focus on heavenly things and loving people outside of politics. These are worthy goals, but people inside politics need the love of Christ too! Government is instituted by God and rulers are appointed by God. Thus both are potentially fruitful areas of ministry. I want to show how we can focus on heavenly things and loving people within the political realm - without compromising the gospel message. 

On Earth As It Is In Heaven

Sometimes pastors use Colossians 3:2 as a reason for not engaging in politics. “Set your mind on things that are above, not on earthly things.”  But we need to remember the Lord’s Prayer, specifically when Christ says “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” Christ sits on a heavenly throne and when God sets up rulers and nations He is giving them authority. Romans 13 begins with Paul outlining that governing authorities are instituted by God. Our earthly governments are a reflection of a heavenly Kingdom. While our rulers are flawed they are nevertheless chosen and put in power by God for specific purposes. While we may not know or understand those purposes God is certainly working through politics for the advancement of His Kingdom. If the Ruler of Heaven and Earth is so invested and involved in our politics, then shouldn’t His people follow suit?

Loving All People

This is the conversation that hits close to home for many people in the church. One of the main goals as Christians is to foster discipleship and grow the Body of Christ. This calling doesn’t apply to specific political parties or only to those who are not involved in government. From Governors to legislative assistants, these are people who need the gospel. 1 Peter 2:16-17 tells us “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.” It is the duty of Christ-followers to bring this truth to those in earthly authority. We are uniquely equipped to instruct those in government what freedom really is and more importantly who is the Giver of freedom. This doesn’t mean that we have to agree with them on everything, but it does mean that we cannot neglect them. Politicians on both sides of the aisle deserve our care and honor. They may not understand the roots of their beliefs, and we have the ability to bring the truth of Scripture to bear in loving conversation with them.

Good Stewards of the Kingdom

As Christians we serve the King who sits upon the throne. We have been given the opportunity to speak truth into the lives of those in authority and call upon them to serve the King of kings. We have the unique opportunity to show the culture how to engage in politics in a truly loving way by bringing the gospel to those in government. We cannot abandon or ignore politics when the gospel has so much to say concerning our ministry to those in authority. By God’s grace, the gospel transforms people and in turn can transform a nation. That is one of our core principles at the Church Ambassador Network and our hope is that you will join us in bringing the gospel to our legislators. Click here to sign up now.