In a 93-42 vote, Maryland legislators passed a law aimed at enshrining abortion as a constitutional right. This decision came after fervent opposition from pro-life legislators in their attempts to amend the bill. If the bill is approved by the Maryland Senate, it would appear on the ballot for Maryland voters to make abortion a constitutionally-guaranteed right.

This constitutional amendment is in direct response to the U.S Supreme Court’s expected decision in the Dobbs v. Jackson case. This case could abolish Roe v. Wade and return the power to legislate on abortion’s legality to the states. If the Maryland amendment gets the approval of voters, it would make it almost impossible to make abortion illegal in that state. Some have cried foul as this bill seeks influence future elections. Neil Parrott (R-Washington County) said, “There's no reason for this bill, unless it's purely political, to turn out people in elections this coming November, and I don't think that's a great reason to vote for a constitutional amendment.”

While states like North Dakota and South Dakota would immediately make abortion illegal if Roe v. Wade is abolished, Maryland (much like Minnesota) would become a stronghold of abortion, which always takes the life of a child and hurts women. This bill would solidify Maryland’s culture of death, attracting women from surrounding states to end the lives of their children.

In 1991, Maryland passed a law that would protect abortion even if the United States Supreme Court ever overturned Roe v. Wade. If this amendment is passed, it would require legislator to gain a three-fifths majority instead of the normal 51% to make repeal the 1991 law.

This bill is dangerous because it could set a precedent for other states. If a constitutional amendment is passed to satisfy a current political goal, who is to say it will not happen again.  The citizens of Maryland should stand up and stop this injustice that would lock abortion in as a constitutional right. 

During the legislative battle in Maryland, many attempts were made to amend the bill to suit the needs of women. Rep. April R. Rose (R-Carroll) proposed an amendment to reappropriate the money towards women’s health to help children “survive and thrive.” Unfortunately, these amendments did not receive the necessary votes.

Supporters of this bill claim that it will provide better support for women seeking out abortions. Not only would it allow equal access to abortion, but it would also require private insurance companies to cover abortion costs.

Every child should have the right to live, no matter how they came into this world. A constitutional right that allows for the murder of innocent lives should be out of the question. But there is hope. This spring or early summer, the Supreme Court will issue a decision on Dobbs v. Jackson that could end the legalization of abortion on a federal level. It is then up to us as Minnesotans to keep Minnesota from becoming an “abortion mecca,” and instead make it a place where children’s lives are protected and pregnant mothers are given the resources they need to choose life.