This election cycle, Minnesotans turned out to the polls in potentially record-breaking numbers and what could be the highest voter turnout rate in the nation. As the results are finalized, we can celebrate some key pro-life victories in our state! If current results hold, Minnesota will maintain a pro-life majority in the state senate. This is wonderful news that will have life-saving implications in the upcoming legislative session!

On the Congressional level, Minnesota’s election results have also yielded four pro-life congressional seats, with Representatives Tom Emmer, Pete Stauber, and Jim Hagedorn defending their seats, and Michelle Fischbach ousting incumbent Colin Peterson in District 7.

Unfortunately, Senator Tina Smith, who has boasted about the fact that she is the only Senator to have worked for Planned Parenthood and recently opposed the confirmation of pro-life Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, will continue to represent Minnesota in the U.S. Senate after beating her challenger, Jason Lewis.

The nation still awaits official results for the Presidential election. Joe Biden currently leads in Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, putting him on track to pass the 270 vote threshold necessary to win the electoral college, although results have not yet officially been called in those three states or in North Carolina, and the Georgia Secretary of State confirmed this morning that the narrow margin between the two candidates will lead to a recount. Uncertainty can be difficult and anxiety-inducing. Rather than being consumed by that anxiety, let’s cast all our anxieties on the God who cares for us.

As we celebrate pro-life victories, mourn the defeats, and wait for finalized results, let’s continue to commit to praying for our elected leaders and for the peace of our nation. Let’s also remember that the results of this election will not change our calling as followers of Christ. In the days, weeks, months, and years to come we are still called to be salt and light, proclaiming the truth, seeking justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly before God. This is true as we wait for results, and it will remain true once those results are finalized. And in everything, we can rejoice in the fact that we worship the God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever and that his purposes will prevail no matter what.