Tuesday marked the beginning of the legislative session and that morning almost 100 people joined Minnesota Family Council in the Capitol rotunda to pray for our lawmakers and the great state of Minnesota! Pastor Jeff Evans, Director of Minnesota’s Church Ambassador Network (CAN) also announced that CAN would be giving personalized bibles to each legislator. Check out the video here. What a great start to the session! As we kick things off at the capitol, it’s important to remember why the legislative session matters. 

As those who have been reconciled to God, we are called to be ambassadors, imploring others to be reconciled as well. We are called to affirm the lordship of Christ and the goodness of God’s design for humanity, to proclaim the truth, and to point others toward grace. This is something we need to do in every area of life, including politics. The session is not the only opportunity to shine the light of Christ in the state of Minnesota, but it is an important one.

It is during the legislative session that our elected leaders make changes to the law, both for good and for bad. Because of this, we commit to being at the Capitol every day of the session fighting for life, family, and religious freedom.

The legislative session also highlights the importance of elections. The people that we elect become the people who shape our laws, so it’s important that we elect leaders who will take a stand for the truth. Faithful pro-life, pro-family leaders make laws that value life and family. Pro-abortion politicians make laws that devalue life. The contrast is clear.

Every life matters, and our state policies should reflect that. This is why we work to protect the unborn and to reflect God’s good design for family and sexuality. We believe that our work is vital, and we know that we can’t do it alone. This is where you come in. During this legislative session, we’re asking you to do three things.

First, pray. Please pray for us and for your elected officials during the legislative session. Pray for pastors who are connecting with Minnesota lawmakers, that God would open doors, soften hearts, and strengthen and encourage His followers. And pray that God would be glorified in the state of Minnesota and that we would become a state where life is cherished and God’s design for marriage and family is realized.

Second, act. Your involvement matters! As important issues come up during the session, we will alert you of actions that you can take to speak up in defense of life, family, and religious freedom. 

And finally, your generous support is what makes our work possible. Would you consider partnering with us financially during this legislative session as we work to engage the culture and advance biblical truth in our state?