The news of the Supreme Court’s draft decision on Roe v. Wade has swept over our nation like a tidal wave. But as we await the final decision, there is much work to do. Fortunately, pro-lifers like Minnesota Representative Lisa Demuth (R-Cold Spring) have been valiantly working to create a culture of life in Minnesota. On May 3rd, Rep. Demuth took on the pro-abortion establishment when she submitted amendments to a bill in order to help protect mothers and their children.

The Health and Human Services omnibus bill in the Minnesota House seeks to make “historic investments in human services” by pouring cash into the health care workforce and certain health issues. All told, the 876-page bill proposes $478.7 million for health care services and early childhood programs and $270.7 million for health programs. With this increased spending came typical questions about responsible use of taxpayer money, but some looked beyond just finances.

Representative Lisa Demuth sought to amend the bill to include protections for women and children. First, Rep. Demuth argued that abortion clinics should have regular inspections and should have to be licensed annually. In the hearing, she remarked that “This is about the health and safety of women. We require other facilities to be licensed, other health care facilities, so why wouldn’t we expect the same of these [abortion] facilities?” In a truly sad bit of irony, tanning salons undergo inspections, but abortion centers do not.

Representative Demuth’s second amendment focused on keeping family planning grants away from abortion clinics. Additionally, the amendment sought to stop organizations from referring patients “to any organization that provides abortion services.” Unfortunately, both amendments were narrowly struck down by the DFL-controlled House after progressive legislators claimed they were not germane (applicable to the bill).

The Health and Human Services omnibus bill passed the House (69-64) without Rep. Demuth’s amendments.

Pro-life Minnesotans however, should not see this as a defeat. It is a small skirmish in a war we are winning – the war to recognize and protect the humanity of the unborn. It proves that conservatives in Minnesota are ready to stand up and turn the tables on abortion. We stand on the side of truth and life, and because of that we can be confident of ultimate victory. With all the excitement surrounding the leaked decision over Roe v. Wade we cannot forget that real pro-life change for our state – for our friends and neighbors – will happen in St. Paul, not in Washington D.C.