President Biden has demonstrated a radical commitment to advancing the abortion lobby’s agenda during his first 100 days in office, but on the state level, the pro-life movement has been making major strides! Over 500 pro-life bills have been introduced across 46 states since January of this year. Of those, 61 have been signed into law, and abortion activists are worried. The pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute writes, “If this trend continues, 2021 will end up as the most damaging antiabortion state legislative session in a decade—and perhaps ever.” In just four days last week, 28 pro-life laws were signed in seven different states!

The Guttmacher Institute compared this year’s wave of pro-life legislation with 2011, the year they previously considered the most devastating to the abortion industry since abortion was legalized in all 50 states. By this time in 2011, 42 pro-life laws had been signed.

This year’s pro-life laws include bans on abortions that target babies with disabilities, protections for babies who survive abortions, bans on late-term abortions, heartbeat laws that protect babies from abortion once a heartbeat is detectable, state-level regulations of chemical abortions, and proposed amendments to state constitutions clarifying that there is no “right” to abortion. In addition to laws directly aimed at stopping abortion, the pro-life movement has advanced legislation to support women facing unplanned pregnancies, to require that the remains of abortion victims be treated with dignity instead of being disposed of as medical waste, and to hold the abortion industry accountable.

These laws are a reminder that elections matter! Pro-life laws are the result of pro-life voters electing pro-life lawmakers. And because of these laws, babies will be protected, the abortion industry will be held accountable, and the horrifying reality of abortion is being exposed.

Despite the abortion industry’s insistence that pro-life laws are ineffective, research has shown that these laws really do save lives. At the same time, state-level pro-life efforts are not the only tool in fighting abortion. We can celebrate state-level laws that protect babies from abortions while also recognizing that is still much work to be done, especially when Congress and the Biden administration continue to push for increasingly radical abortion policies. The goal of the pro-life movement is not just to see abortion rates decrease but to see abortion end. Abortion needs to become illegal and unthinkable, which means that the fight to protect the unborn must be fought and won on multiple levels, including in the courts, in state and federal law, and in the hearts and minds of Americans.  

(Image: Adele Morris, Unsplash)