Dear friends and supporters,

If all goes as planned, the US military presence at Kabul International Airport will end on August 31, 2021. U.S. citizens and Afghan nationals who are eligible for transport out of the country have until that time (if they’re lucky enough to get through the Taliban cordon around the airport) to leave the country.

That’s why I'm sending out this urgent appeal. Do you know of any American citizens, for example missionaries, or Afghan citizens who are eligible for Special Immigration Visas (SIVs) to leave the country?

We are standing by ready and willing to assist you and them by contacting Minnesota’s congressional delegation on their behalf. In this situation, America’s congressional representatives are an invaluable resource, as Sens. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) are already showing.

Although most Americans continue to support a full withdrawal from Afghanistan, as negotiated by President Trump last year, the unfolding tragedy of a botched withdrawal under the Biden administration has shocked the world with its incompetence and disregard for the safety of both American citizens in Afghanistan and Afghans who provided assistance to American military and civilian initiatives within the country. The lightning victory of the Taliban is especially a tragedy for Christian Afghans, who have already been targeted by the Taliban.

Again, please reach out to us if you are aware of Americans or Afghans in the country who need help leaving the country. We stand ready to contact our congressional leaders, who themselves are working to help as this horrifying scenario plays out. Just today I heard the story of Tayeeb, who assisted American military forces as an interpreter. He and his family will be attempting to travel to Kabul today and leave the country. They face many obstacles, especially Taliban militants who are forcibly taking away passports and visas from many waiting outside the airport.

Will you join me in praying for Tayeeb and his family, and all Americans, Afghans, and others who need to leave the country as the Taliban take control? We serve a God who will NOT abandon Afghan Christians, even if the Biden administration is doing so.

Dear Heavenly Father, please speed the evacuation of our citizens and friends in Afghanistan. Cover them with your protection and do not let them come to harm. Cause the devices of evil men to come to nothing, and uphold all those who are suffering in your mighty right hand. I pray this in your Triune name, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.


John Helmberger, CEO

Minnesota Family Council & Institute