Yesterday presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden announced that he had chosen Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate, making for the “most pro-abortion ticket in history.” Senator Harris takes her support for abortion to appalling extremes. Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser pointed out that Harris supports taxpayer-funded abortions on demand up until birth, and has even opposed legislation that would ensure lifesaving care for abortion survivors.

Harris also allowed her support for abortion giant Planned Parenthood to interfere with her work as California Attorney General prior to her election to the U.S. Senate in 2016. While she was serving as California Attorney General, Harris ordered a raid on a citizen journalist David Daleiden’s home after he exposed Planned Parenthood’s role in the trafficking of body parts from aborted babies. The handling of Daleiden’s case has raised significant concerns regarding freedom of speech and the future of undercover journalism. In May, the Center for Medical Progress filed a lawsuit against Harris and others for “brazen, unprecedented, and ongoing conspiracy,” pointing out that Harris secretly met with Planned Parenthood executives to discuss the investigation shortly before the raid.

Senator Harris’s attacks on religion are just as troubling as her attacks on free speech and due process. Last year she introduced legislation that would have gutted the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Like her running mate, Harris wants to require the Little Sisters of the Poor to pay for contraceptive and abortion coverage, and when the Supreme Court was deciding Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, Harris filed a brief against Hobby Lobby arguing that employers should be required to provide contraceptive coverage, even if it violated their religious beliefs. Harris has also suggested that a Catholic judge’s religious beliefs should disqualify him from serving on the bench.

The Biden campaign would have been hard pressed to find a vice presidential candidate who has displayed more hostility to religious freedom, free speech, and life in the womb than Senator Kamala Harris.