Speaking in Minneapolis last night before a crowd estimated at more than 19,000, President Trump gave his first campaign appearance in Minnesota’s largest city. His wide-ranging remarks lasted 102 minutes (the second-longest speech of his presidency so far), but at one crucial moment, Trump spelled out his position on abortion.

“Virtually every top Democrat supports late-term abortions, ripping babies straight from the mother’s womb right up to the moment of birth. That is why I have asked Congress to prohibit extreme late-term abortions, because Republicans believe every child is a sacred gift from God.”

Trump is right to say that pro-life lawmakers in both parties have been working to ban extreme late-term abortions, which are currently legal in many states, including Minnesota.

He also correctly noted that Democrats are becoming more and more extreme on abortion. As recently as 2008, then-Senator Obama floated the idea of banning late-term abortions. Now, every single Democratic candidate supports them.

In Minneapolis last night, President Trump drew a sharp line of contrast between his position on abortion and that of his likely 2020 opponents. In the face of constant abortion extremism, the contrast is becoming even clearer.