See how Minnesota Family Council leaders reacted to this week's news:

Star Tribune 4/27/23: 

"Today, Governor Walz signed three deeply concerning bills into law," said John Helmberger, Minnesota Family Council CEO. "Governor Walz says he wants Minnesota to be the best state in the nation for kids to grow up in — yet each of these bills puts Minnesota children further at risk." 

Daily Wire 4/27/23

Minnesota Family Council CEO John Helmberger told The Daily Wire that the organization appreciated the unanimous vote and expressed hope that both parties would work to protect children from exploitation. “We’re also extremely grateful that this amendment was adopted unanimously; that’s a great expression of the desire of legislators in both parties to protect children from exploitation,” he remarked. “However, we wish it hadn’t come to this point; we wish that the authors of this bill would have realized the potentially extremely dangerous direction this legislation would lead, and corrected it before it got to the House floor.”

Helmberger added that some lawmakers had told their constituents that the Minnesota Family Council was “misleading” the public on the dangers from the loophole for pedophiles offered by the initial amendment. “Yesterday’s unanimous vote shows that our concerns were grounded in fact, and Minnesota legislators realized that,” he continued. “We hope this is the start of a new bipartisan drive to protect Minnesota’s kids from exploitation.”

 Full quotes:

Bipartisan Vote to Protect Children (April 26, 2023):

“The Minnesota House unanimously voted to adopt an amendment to HF 447, a bill that changes the definition of sexual orientation in the Minnesota Human Rights Act. This amendment creates a new provision in law stating that physical or sexual attachment to children by an adult is not a protected class under the Minnesota Human Rights Act, thus retaining protection for children. Last night’s unanimous vote is the result of Minnesotans making their voice heard. Legislators did the right thing by voting yes on the amendment.”

-Renee Carlson, Attorney for Minnesota Family Council and True North Legal

“Protecting kids from anyone who wishes them harm is one of Minnesota Family Council’s core goals. We’re deeply grateful to legislators for offering an amendment yesterday that will ensure there are NO legal protections for child exploitation in Minnesota. We’re also extremely grateful that this amendment was adopted unanimously - that’s a great expression of the desire of legislators in both parties to protect children from exploitation. However, we wish it hadn’t come to this point - we wish that the authors of this bill would have realized the potentially extremely dangerous direction this legislation would lead, and corrected it before it got to the House floor. We’re also concerned that as recently as yesterday, some Minnesota legislators were sending concerned constituents a message accusing Minnesota Family Council of ‘misleading’ the public on the potential loophole for child exploitation that the original bill would have created. Just to be very clear: yesterday’s unanimous vote shows that our concerns were grounded in fact, and Minnesota legislators realized that. We hope this is the start of a new bipartisan drive to protect Minnesota’s kids from exploitation.”

- John Helmberger, CEO, Minnesota Family Council

Governor Walz Signs Kidnapping Bill, Other Dangerous Measures (4/27/23)

“Today, Governor Walz signed three deeply concerning bills into law. The Kidnapping bill (HF146) would place children in emergency state custody if their parents refuse to subject them to harmful, experimental ‘gender-affirming care.’ The so-called conversion therapy ban threatens mental health practitioners who offer voluntary, compassionate care to young people who want to live according to biological reality. Finally, the Governor signed a bill that would make Minnesota a safe haven for abortion doctors who face criminal charges in other states. Governor Walz says he wants Minnesota to be the best state in the nation for kids to grow up in - yet each of these bills puts Minnesota children further at risk.”

- John Helmberger, CEO, Minnesota Family Council