I was home-educated, and I wish every student could have what I had: an education which emphasized academic ability and a search for the truth about the world. I was taught history, politics, and science from the perspective of the Bible – the source of ultimate truth. While more Minnesotans than ever are homeschooling or intentionally sending their kids to good schools, not all children have this advantage. In fact, many kids are receiving an education void of any academic excellence in favor of radical ideology. It’s a troubling trend. Radical teachers and teachers’ unions are sacrificing the interests of children and parents. We only have to look at the headlines to see this in action.

Headline 1: This Year’s MEA Workshops Bombard Teachers with LGBTQ Agenda. There is no more potent example of teacher radicalism than in the event topics at the teacher’s union MEA workshop. One exhibition includes training in “LGBTQ advocacy and support” for teachers. Another workshop promotes “Creating Gender Inclusivity Through Language, Curriculum and Sharing Stories.” These seminars are nothing more than propaganda. It says a lot both about the unions organizing these trainings, and the teachers attending them, who will return from MEA Weekend ready for LGBTQ indoctrination in the classroom. Children deserve better than what these radicalized teachers will provide. 

Headline 2: Radical Union Requires White Teachers be Laid off First. The work of radicalization has extended beyond the classroom into the workforce itself. In August, the Minneapolis teacher’s union proposed laying off white teachers first in an attempt to “remedy the continuing effects of past discrimination.”

Headline 3: Newly Proposed Social Studies Standards Push for “Ethnic Studies” at the Expense of History, Civics, and Geography. Some of the new assignments include identifying “examples of ethnicity, equality, liberation, and systems of power.” These new standards would teach children to view the world through a distorted lens. Instead of seeing the world as God created it, they would see it only through the lens of “oppressed” and “oppressor.”

Headline 4: A Las Vegas Mom Confronts School Board over Explicit Material. In May, a brave mother read aloud the X-rated material that her daughter was required to memorize. Because of its extremely graphic content, her mic quickly shut off. How can we let our children be taught things that parents aren’t allowed to read out loud in an open hearing?

It's time for parents to stand up. Mothers and fathers know what is best for their children and they have ultimate authority over their education. Unfortunately, many teachers have declared war on parents’ rights. According to many in the education system, parents no longer matter and should be treated as “domestic terrorists” if they speak up against growing radicalism in schools. That’s a troubling proclamation, especially coming from radical teachers and administrators who promote abortion, comprehensive sex education, and gender surgeries for minors. 

There has never been a better time to get involved in your local school system – these trends need to be reversed. Even if your children do not attend public school, you can stand up for all kids and parents in the district by showing up and witnessing for the truth about how God made us and the world. If they shut off your mic, talk loudly. Make it clear, peacefully, that you will not back down. To back down would be to leave the next generation at the mercy of woke bureaucrats – that’s something we cannot do.