Last week the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled issued a ruling allowing Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order to halt abortions during the COVID-19 pandemic to stand. At least for the time being, unborn Texans are safe from abortion.

On March 21, Governor Abbott issued an executive order suspending all non-essential surgeries and procedures, including elective abortion. Three abortion groups immediately responded with an emergency lawsuit, resulting in the order being temporarily blocked by federal district judge Lee Yeakel.

Minnesota Family Council joined with 11 other family policy councils, as well as the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in submitting an amicus brief regarding Judge Yeakel’s decision. The brief pointed out that allowing abortion facilities to use up important personal protective equipment (PPE) on elective procedures when hospitals are already facing shortages endangers healthcare providers and their patients, and argued that states may suspend the “right” to abortion in order to protect lives during a pandemic. On Saturday the abortion providers involved asked the Supreme Court to take up the case and it is now pending before the Supreme Court.

The Fifth Circuit’s ruling is good news in the fight for life, both because it means a halt to abortions in Texas for the time being, and because the Fifth Circuit Court rightly recognized that the so-called “right” to abortion is not limitless, even though many abortion activists act as if it is, and cannot be held above concerns for public safety.