Earlier this week voters here in Minnesota and across the U.S. headed to the polls to vote in local elections. The results were encouraging and showed voters rejecting radical ideology and embracing pro-family candidates, instead! Leading up to the election, it became clear that many of these races, including Virginia’s gubernatorial race, were a referendum on radical education policies that have been gaining momentum around the country. The results are in and voters have made it clear — parents matter!

During his campaign, former Governor Terry McAuliffe insisted, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what to teach.” Virginian voters made it clear that they believe parents’ voices are important when they elected pro-life and pro-family candidate Glenn Youngkin instead. Joseph Backholm of Family Research Council commented,

Parents are an interest group now. It’s hard to overstate how good this news is. Candidates will now have to be prepared to answer questions about who should be in charge of curriculum, parents or bureaucrats…Ten years from now education could look very different than it does today. If that happens, we’ll look back to tonight as the moment it all started and we’ll all be better for it.

Here in Minnesota, voters in the Anoka-Hennepin school district, the state’s largest school district, elected Matt Audette to the school board. Audette has pledged to ensure the privacy and safety of all students in changing rooms, showers, and restrooms, keep sexually explicit material out of the classroom, provide fiscally responsible leadership, and keep critical race theory out of schools. Parents, not the government are the ones who are entrusted with ultimate authority over their children’s education. That’s why it’s so important to have pro-parent, pro-family leaders on local school boards! This week’s election results show that parents are standing up to radical ideology in their children’s classrooms here in Minnesota and around the nation!

Additionally, Minneapolis residents rejected the radical proposal to replace the police force with a “department of public safety.” The proposal, which would have harmed the very communities it claimed to help, was defeated 56%–44%. Most people in Minneapolis just want to live in peace and recognize police are part of that safety net. Safety matters to families in Minneapolis!

The rejection of radical ideology in Minnesota and across the nation is good news for families! Vice President Kamala Harris remarked before the election that “What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on.” What happened in Virginia, as well as here in Minnesota, was that parents stood up for their children’s education and rejected the radical policies that have been forced down their throats recently. Pro-family policies are winning issues and things are looking very hopeful for 2022 and 2024!