In Bill Nye’s view, sexuality is no longer a “clear cut” subject, but can now be seen as a “kaleidoscope.” A kaleidoscope that should be explored by parents and children alike. Sadly, this once-beloved science educator has joined the ranks of those who, much like in the old story of the emperor’s new clothes, have embraced a fantasy. Through Bill Nye, this fantasy has even found its way into my hometown’s High School sex ed program. This week, parents in the Buffalo school district sounded the alarm, claiming that the school had begun “force feeding a flawed ideology over reality.”

Just last year, a transgender student in the Buffalo school district claimed they were banned from using a bathroom designated for the other gender. The student’s mother filed a suit, and the Buffalo-Montrose school district agreed to a settlement of over $200,000. Unfortunately, this settlement emboldened radical educators to bring fantastical ideas about gender into the classroom. One such idea can be seen in Bill Nye’s video, which according to the school administration was meant to share the “correct” gender terminology with the class. The Buffalo high school administration also informed the public that after significant backlash they will “no longer be using the video that was initially shared,” and that parents will have greater freedom to opt their students out of sex-ed assignments.

The video in question was published in 2017 and touts the idea that gender and sexuality are no longer binary. Bill Nye says “But people, we have to listen to the science. And the science says we are all on a spectrum.” In other words, the science of X and Y chromosomes determining a person’s biological sex no longer matters. Your gender is determined simply by how you feel. It should go without saying that this is not a particularly, well, scientific approach.

To put it plainly, Bill Nye gets it wrong. Gender is not a “kaleidoscope” to be explored. Instead, our sex and sexuality are created and defined by God. He created us male or female – not both (Genesis 1:27). Sadly, our world is openly denying this reality and exposing children and adults to dangerous lies. And it seems that many people are taking the bait. Just like in the famous folktale, the swindlers have spun their thread, and the emperor is showing off his new clothes. But the clothes don’t exist – the emperor is naked.

As the emperor paraded around the streets showing off his new clothes, people gasped and shouted in delight, imagining a kaleidoscope of dazzling colors. One child, however, saw through the lies and declared “but he hasn’t got anything on!” As Christian citizens, we must be like this child. We must speak truth when no one else will. “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). Every parent should watch Bill Nye’s video. Watch it to determine for yourself why the ideas he presents run counter to God’s will and His Word. And then pay close attention – if the Buffalo-Montrose school district thinks this video is helpful to teens, will your school district do so as well? It’s definitely worth finding out.

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