MINNEAPOLIS – As pro-life people in Minnesota and across the country rejoiced at the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, Minnesota Family Council CEO John Helmberger issued this statement on the Court’s decision, released today in Washington, DC.

This is a historic day for our nation, but amidst all the headlines, it’s important to keep the actual significance of this decision front and center. Because of this decision, fewer children in the womb will be lost to abortion in the coming days. Because of this decision, predatory clinics like Planned Parenthood will be able to target fewer women at their most vulnerable. Because of this decision, more women will understand what is really at stake in an abortion decision and resolve to bring their pregnancy to term.”

“Make no mistake, women who are experiencing a pregnancy for which they’re not prepared are truly in a hard place. Their voices need to be heard, and their needs must be met. But now, my hope is that we can begin to address this difficult situation in a less destructive way. I hope we can show each woman and each child that we value them. I hope that we can create a nation where each expectant mother can confidently say she has the support she needs through pregnancy and childbirth—a nation, in other words, in which the brutality of abortion is unthinkable. I believe that a future in which life is truly protected in Minnesota, instead of a future where our great state becomes an abortion mecca, is what Minnesotans want, and what they will work towards—and I believe we will see this conviction in election results this fall.”

“Sadly, in Minnesota, that future is more distant than it is in some more forward-looking states. Minnesota’s 1995 Doe v. Gomez decision ensures that abortion will not disappear immediately from our state,” said Renee Carlson, General Counsel of True North Legal, MFC’s legal initiative. “The work to protect women and children in Minnesota from abortion at the legislature and in the courts is needed now more than ever.”

John Helmberger continued: “Abortion is a toxic act. Not only does it kill an innocent child and inflict lasting emotional and physical damage on women who undergo it, but it has a pernicious effect on our society as a whole. Our nation has been stained with the blood of innocent children, and like Lady Macbeth we have found that the stain will not come out without a dramatic change.”

“Now we have that dramatic change – the change I have worked for and prayed for, along with many others in the pro-life movement, for more than a generation. My prayer now is that we would truly live up to the promises we’ve made all along – that women and children would be valued, that all life would truly be seen as sacred. We have a long way to go, but I trust in God’s promises. I believe we will make good on the promises we’ve made. I hope Minnesotans will join me in the work ahead.”


Minnesota Family Council is one of our state’s leading pro-life groups, and its only ecumenical Christian group dedicated to life, family, and religious freedom. MFC believes that Minnesota thrives when religious freedom flourishes, life is cherished at all stages, and God’s design for family and sexuality is honored and lived.