Stacey DeCorsey, the principal at the Excelsior Elementary School in the Minnetonka Public School District recently issued a rave review of a transgender affirming children’s book called “Jack (not Jackie).” She described this insidious book written for kids as young as five as a “heartwarming picture-book” and a “phenomenal read.” Schools across the nation have been following her pattern, denying the established fact that there are two immutable sexes to pacify a radical minority. Thankfully, some schools are fighting back – inspired in part by Florida’s courageous “Parental Rights in Education” bill. In the Becker, Minnesota public school district, new rules have been proposed that seek to remove materials that indoctrinate children from the classroom.

The Becker district’s resolution promotes the idea that “classrooms must be free of any personal bias or non-school materials favoring any particular group, political ideology, favored class or promoting controversial issues.” In other words, teachers and staff will no longer be permitted to force the talking points of the progressive agenda on students. The responsibility for helping kids navigate tough issues ultimately belongs to the parents, and this resolution goes some way towards that goal. Sadly, as the school board began discussing this issue, dozens of students began protesting, which led to the vote being tabled for an unknown future date. These protests only serve to show what is really going on here – a fight over reality.

Here's the reality: In the beginning, God created the world, and humankind with it. He created humanity in two distinct sexes, male and female. A person’s sex is determined by genetics, not ideology. Reality is defined by how God has created this world, not by how some folks interpret the current social climate.

One of the purposes of education is to inform kids about reality. They should learn that 2 and 2 makes 4, and that the earth revolves around the sun. Regrettably, in some classrooms they are also told that a man can become a woman, and a woman can become a man. “When education is no longer a pursuit of truth, a pursuit of knowledge, and a pursuit of information, it ceases to be education. It is something else entirely. It’s indoctrination, ” said Julie Quist, the chair of the Child Protection League, who was present at the Becker proceedings.

If passed by the board, the proposed resolution would protect children from the reality-denying folly of the progressive movement. This resolution is a promising development in the movement to free our children’s minds from indoctrination. If common sense prevails in Becker, it can prevail in many other districts around the state, until reason has returned to our school boards. Working toward restoring common sense and parental authority in our nation’s schools is one of the most important tasks that Minnesota Family Council and allied groups are pursuing throughout the nation.