American public schools no longer look after the best interests of our children. Instead, they often attempt to indoctrinate our kids with radical theories about race and sexuality. In large part, they have ceased to care for the opinions of parents and have in many cases purposefully hidden certain curriculum from the eyes of Mom and Dad. The radicalization and indoctrination in public schools can no longer be denied, nor tolerated. It is no wonder then that in a recent survey, 70% of American parents want to take control of their children’s education. 

Parents should always have the final say in their child’s education, but for many years now, progressive activists have been working to take away a parent’s right to influence their child’s education. In a sad irony, Planned Parenthood demands that every woman has the right to choose to end their own child’s life, and yet in many public school districts parents have little control over what curriculum their child is taught. School districts around the state have embraced the teachings of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE). These theories are in direct opposition to what Christians believe. CRT suggests that racial discrimination issues can only be solved by more racial discrimination, and CSE teaches that sexually immoral behavior is “normal” and “acceptable.”

While it may seem that parents are powerless to fight against the system, there is still hope for those who want to train their children in the way they should go (Prov. 22:6). During the pandemic, Minnesota public schools saw a 10 percent enrollment decline, while non-public schools saw an increase of 5.8 percent. Parents have woken up to see what is happening in the classroom and are making a stand. They are concerned for their child’s health, safety, and spiritual welfare.

Society and parents have long been battling for influence on children. A parent may be whispering what is right and true in one ear, but society is yelling in the other. Sadly, for the past couple of years it seems that society, through our public schools, has taken control and is screaming in both.

It may be a daunting task, but parents need to commit to finding alternatives to public school. We cannot stand idly by as our children receive lessons on all that is foolish and ungodly. If you are a parent, and you want to see your child grow, pull them out of public school. While the road may be long, and your baggage heavy, it will be well worth it in the end. If you feel powerless because of your financial situation, ask for help. Look around for fellow believers that will follow and support you on this journey. Homeschooling, charter schools, and private Christian schools, provide excellent opportunities to educate children while teaching them what is pure and beautiful. There has never been a bigger need for parents to stand up and say “no” to the lies being taught in our public schools.

The movement for school choice has begun. Decision-making should lie in the hands of mothers and fathers, not teacher’s unions and activists. We must fund our students, not the systems that have failed them.