The abortion industry is partnering with the ACLU to encourage minors to work around laws requiring parental consent for abortion. According to the pro-abortion website Rewire, a North Carolina abortion group has partnered with the state’s ACLU to set up a text line where minors can receive help outmaneuvering the state’s abortion laws. The text line called Text Abby targets teens in North and South Carolina and is modeled after a similar text line based out of Texas, Jane’s Due Process. Currently 21 states require consent of one or both parents before a teenager may undergo an abortion, and 11 states, including Minnesota, require parental notification. All of these states have a judicial bypass provision that allows a judge to excuse minors from meeting this requirement. Text lines like Text Abby and Jane’s Due Process go behind parents’ backs to obtain permission from a judge for teens to get abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent.

The abortion industry thrives on building distrust between teens and their parents. Parental consent laws, on the other hand, provide an opportunity for teens to communicate with their parents and receive help and support. Circumventing these laws erodes teens’ relationships with their parents, and also places young women in harm’s way by taking away an important safeguard in the fight against abuse and human trafficking.

Abortion enables abusers to cover their tracks and continue harming their victims, and the abortion industry has a documented history of failing victims by putting their bottom line above the safety and well-being of the women and girls who walk through their doors. Establishing networks to fight against parental consent laws removes parental involvement, thus separating teens from the adults in their lives who actually care about them.

Abortion is not safe and the abortion industry is hardly forthright about the risks involved. By exploiting legal loopholes and keeping parents in the dark, they endanger teens and enable abusers.