“True U clinic” is advertising to Minnesota teens and young adults through social media. What services does True U provide? Puberty blockers and cross-sex chemicals: a quack cure for a real ailment. When teens and young adults are confused about their gender, they should be carefully and patiently helped to become comfortable in their own bodies, not given drugs that will irreversibly change them.

But that’s what “True U” clinic is advertising for Minnesota “teens and adults.” The ads (see screenshots below) make it clear that the medical professionals at “True U” will accept anyone’s self-diagnosis of gender dysphoria without question, and then profit from it. 

A GoFundMe account indicates the clinic may be based in New Mexico, and a job posting unearthed on Twitter makes it seem that nurse practitioners are being hired with state licenses in other states--but not in Minnesota.

Screenshots from “True U” Clinic

Is it even legal for out-of-state medical practitioners to prescribe drugs that permanently alter teenagers’ bodies over a Skype session, without a Minnesota medical license?

The laws around “telemedicine” are vague, but if Kansas can successfully ban clinics from offering telemedicine abortions, perhaps Minnesota can ban life-altering transgender “conversion therapy” which is apparently targeting minors and then shipping them medication in “discreet packaging.” 

That “medication” not only permanently alters your body: it might end up being fatal. Women taking male dosages of testosterone had a 390% increased risk of heart disease in a recent study, other studies show a 100% increased risk of stroke, and a 300% increased risk of blood clots.

Teens who are confused about their gender and sexuality should be treated lovingly, prayerfully, and respectfully. True U Clinic appears to be doing just the opposite. We don’t need quack doctors telling Minnesota teens they were born in the wrong body. Instead, troubled teens need to be told that growing comfortable with their bodies happens over time, not from taking a chemical cocktail--as much as 85% of transgender-identified kids go on to be perfectly normal adults, comfortable in the bodies God gave them.