ERA Rally

Oppose the Erosion of Rights Amendment (ERA) - May 8, 2024

Join us for a momentous time of prayer, unity, and advocacy as Minnesotans come together to oppose S.F. 37, the Erosion of Rights Amendment (ERA), and champion the protection of religious freedom. Please join us to stand for life, for God’s design for families, and for religious freedom.


Specifically, we will be coming together to pray for and urge legislators to oppose the so-called "Equal Rights Amendment" that fails to protect Minnesotans from discrimination based on religion, could constitutionally mandate legal abortion up to the moment of birth, and promotes harmful gender ideology. READ THE LATEST AMENDMENT LANGUAGE HERE

How You Can Participate

  • Register: Secure your spot for this important event by registering online. Registration is free and open to all who wish to join us in advocating for religious freedom.

  • Spread the Word: Help us spread awareness about the rally by sharing the event details with your friends, family, and community members. Together, we can amplify our message and make a greater impact.

  • Attend: Join us in the Rotunda of the Minnesota State Capitol on Wednesday May 8 at 3:00 p.m. to lend your voice to the cause of religious freedom. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that everyone has the right to practice their faith without discrimination.

The event will begin with a brief overview of the Erosion of Rights Amendment and how you can make a difference. We will feature inspiring speakers who exhort those assembled to prayer and action, and offer prayers for unity, understanding, and religious freedom.


Send a Message to Legislators

Before the event, attendees are encouraged to send a message to their legislators here. You can also request a meeting or drop by their office before the event. Search for your legislators' contact information and office location by typing in your zipcode here


Parking and Entrance Instructions:

Free parking on Park Street and Charles Avenue is available.


May 08, 2024 at 3:00pm - 4pm


Capitol Rotunda
75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
St. Paul, MN 55155
United States
Google map and directions