A Freedom of Information Act request filed by the March for Life organization revealed this week that Planned Parenthood North Central States, based in St. Paul, received a forgivable loan through the federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) worth $5-10 million. Only one other Planned Parenthood affiliate received more than $5 million, and PP North Central States also reported the highest numbers of employees retained, 495, of any PP affiliate that received money through the program.

Their loan was approved on April 10, 2020, when elective surgeries were still banned in Minnesota under Governor Walz’s emergency order. But Planned Parenthood, supported by the state government, continued to perform abortions instead of conserving personal protective equipment (PPE) for hospitals treating COVID patients.

It’s deeply ironic that Planned Parenthood, which continued to perform abortions during the pandemic shutdown, received a forgivable federal loan to continue their operations - even though they were still pulling in revenue for their bloody work. Nationally, the Planned Parenthood Federation had a net profit of $110 million in FY 2018 - unlike many nonprofits, they receive millions in federal and state money, as well as the fees they charge patients.

Planned Parenthood exploits women - abortion always kills a child in the womb, and often hurts a woman. Abortion can induce blood loss, and also lasting psychological trauma. Planned Parenthood’s business model has also always been about exploiting American taxpayers as well to offset the costs of what they call “care.” Planned Parenthood North Central States has enriched itself during a national crisis by exploiting vulnerable women, credulous donors, and US taxpayers.