MINNEAPOLIS - In response to the release of Minnesota's 2021 Abortion Report, Minnesota Family Council CEO John Helmberger released the following statement on July 1, 2022:

The 2021 state report on abortions performed in Minnesota, which includes upward corrections to the 2020 report, shows that abortions in Minnesota continue to rise against the ten-year average.  

Let’s be clear: abortion is an atrocity that always takes the life of a child in the womb, and often results in lasting physical and emotional harm to a woman. Even as the Supreme Court issues a historic ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson clarifying that there is no right to abortion in the U.S. Constitution, abortionists in Minnesota are doubling down and increasing capacity for both surgical and medication abortions, intent on making our state an abortion mecca.  

One particular point of concern is medication abortions, which now make up more than 60% of the measured total, although the true total may be far higher. This is concerning because medication abortions carry unique risks for women and have become much easier to obtain due to pandemic-era rules on virtual prescriptions. 

There is reason to believe that this number will rise even further. Planned Parenthood, Minnesota’s largest abortion provider, is forecasting an increase of up to 25%.  

It's clear that Minnesotans don’t want to see abortions in our state increase, and polling shows steady opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion. We believe that as abortion providers become more desperate in their attempts to lure women from Minnesota and out-of-state, more and more people in our state will rise up in opposition, enabling us to create a state that respects human life at every stage of development.